Health and Safety
The purpose of our Company Health and Safety Policy is to ensure that Marathon Group Ltd.’s internal control and corporate governance process support the provision of a safe and healthy working environment and meet statutory and industry standard compliance obligations.
Scope & Objectives
This policy applies to the Marathon Group Directors, Management Team, Staff and all activities.
There are three principal objectives involved in this policy:
- To set out the separate and distinct responsibilities of the company and its contractors which together underpin our shared commitment to health and safety.
- To have in place effective arrangements to protect our employees, customers and the public against risks of injury or poor health arising from our operations.
- To encourage continuous improvement in our health and safety processes and performance, and to share good practice among our operating companies. There is no point at which it is acceptable to stop trying to improve our health and safety practices and performance.
Policy Statement
Marathon Group is committed to providing and ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for its employees, contractors and any persons using Marathon Group offices as a place of work.
In addition, we are committed to ensuring that our customers, communities and visitors experience safe journeys accompanied by responsible company behavior.
To ensure a safe and healthy working environment, management will ensure the following:
- That health and safety objectives and performance criteria will be set for all managers and work areas and ensure have a comprehensive understanding of health and safety management relative to their position.
- Annually review health and safety objectives and manager’s performance.
- Ensure the accurate and timely reporting, recording and investigation of all workplace incidents and injuries.
- Provide a treatment and rehabilitation plan for injured employees that ensures a safe, early and durable return to work.
- Identify, assess and control all existing and new hazards in the workplace, to which employees and clients may be exposed.
- Ensure that all employees are made aware of the hazards in their work area and are adequately trained to enable them to perform their duties in a safe manner.
- Promote a system of continuous improvement, including an annual review of policies and procedures.
- Meet the company’s obligations under the Health and Safety at Work act 2005 and other relevant legislation, standards, codes of practice and guidelines providing for the health and safety of people at work.
Individual employees will meet their obligation to take all practical steps to ensure their own and others health and safety, and are encouraged to become actively involved in assisting manager achieve a healthy and safe workplace. Employees will co-operate and report hazards and other sub-standards, incidents and near misses to their line managers.
The process used to manage health and safety within Marathon Group will be consistent with our company values of RELIABILITY, RESPECT and FIT FOR PURPOSE. Compliance with the Marathon Group Health and Safety Management process I mandatory and is detailed in the Health and Safety Manual.
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as appropriate.
Company Directors
- Ensuring that an effective health and safety management system is in place and is being appropriately managed by Marathon Group
- Ensuring the Existence of a health, safety and environment sub-committee
Company Health and Safety Officer
- Approving governance policies
- Effectively managing MCH health and safety activities and processes
- The designated person responsible for strategic direction and co-ordination of health and safety activities and processes throughout the company
Department Managers
- Managing and monitoring activities within their team’s control and reporting to the Company Directors
- Ensuring that Health and Safety Policies and Guidelines are being adhered to at an operational level
- Maintaining an effective health and safety management system
- Provide Monthly reports to Company Health and Safety Officer and Directors on incidents and health and safety activities in their respective teams.
- Compliance with, and participation in, the policies guidelines and processes approved by Marathon Group
- Carrying out action plans and reporting.
Performance Indicators
Marathon Group is committed to reviewing this Bus Safety Policy and has specific key performance indicators as to its effectiveness by measuring and recording the following:
- Reportable incidents including major accidents and injuries
- Non – reportable injuries
- Defect Reports
- Customer Complaints
- Complaints Generated by the General Public
- Comparison with previous safety record and statistics by year.